Manifest like a mofo
The truth is, we can get into alignment very quickly when we get out of our own way. What if in one breath you could let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back?
Every time we reframe a negative or limiting thought we create a new magical pathway toward the possibilities. It doesn’t take long to become a master manifestor. What it does take is the willingness to think better feeling thoughts. It also requires detachment.
This week as you focus on what you would love to have happen, I invite you to detach! Detach from what the outcome needs to look like. I know it’s easier said than done but the truth is, when we connect on a soul level and step out of the head and into the heart we allow the magic to unfold. This is what The Joy Method™ is all about.
An easy way to detach it to get out into nature. Allow yourself to connect to something deeper. Be present. Give your worries away to the tress, the water. Notice life around you. Get back into flow.
If you knew you were being completely supported could you let go of the wheel even just a little? Try it for the next week and let me know how it goes. Let me know how you’re doing in The Daily Joy Club
Have a beautiful week ahead flowing with life…
Xj, Jillian
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