Let the Quiet Moments Hug You
The message I am getting is this:
Sometimes we need to get quiet before we can get loud…
I’ve been letting the quiet moments hug me. It feels like I'm reclaiming yet another part of myself. The flip-side is sometimes Joan (my inner critic) tells me I’m not doing enough. Anyone else with me on this? Raise your hand if you’ve been should-ing yourself!
In these moments, I’ve been checking in to see where I’m actually getting parts of myself back.
It’s easy to get accustomed to doing/building/achieving/striving. Chasing in this way can lead to burnout, depletion and exhaustion. In many ways slowing down–or "taking it cool" as my Nana called it–feels like recovery. It has been really lovely to listen more deeply and honour and nurture myself. If you feel this as you read, I would ask you:
Where can you release the should’s and stop striving? Where can you lean into BE-ing.
The one thing I know to be true is that everything unfolds in divine timing when we allow it.
Before looking outward, look within to ask how you are feeling. Your feelings are here to show you everything. Right now I believe we have the opportunity to release the should’s, and follow the Joy-crumbs back to ourselves.
What do you most want to experience? What is your hearts deepest desire. If you're not sure then right now can you give yourself some space to embrace the quiet?
Give yourself permission to BE where you ARE. Even if it means stopping. We need to stop pushing the merry-go-round if we want to stop spinning, catch our breath and move forward purposely.
Embrace the quiet moments. You will know when it's time to get loud about your life.
Just for today, can you slow down and lean into BE-ing.
May you let the quiet moments hug you.
Wishing you a beautiful week with soul hugs and things that light you up from the inside out,
Xj, Jillian
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