Celebrate the MOment
I invite you to take a moment to celebrate the moment. How? With breath. I know, I know. It’s easier said than done. I really truly get it!!
I teach mindfulness humbly through my own practice. I teach and learn and re-learn and teach. And sometimes I fail – though I don't really believe in failure. I watched a video of Jon Kabat-Zin recently and loved his perspective around the practice. He began his lecture on the principles of teaching mindfulness with the question: are you living it?
The truth is, I try my best to live mindfully. Am I perfect at what I call The Joy Method? Nope. TBH, I don’t think I ever will be. I feel like part of being human means that we are continuously aligning with the truth of who we are. Which I believe is perfect, whole and complete. We have the opportunity to align with our nature through the practice. Which will look inherently different for everyone because all of us are different with unique journeys, lessons and gifts.
I’ve never claimed to be perfect. I don’t believe any of us are here to be perfect. I believe that we are here to give and experience love while living this wild life the best way we possibly can in any given moment. With breath. And compassion. Loads of it for ourselves and others.
We all f*ck up. Mindful and Joyful living is not about being perfect. Hopefully you're surrounded by people who understand this. If you're not then let me remind you that it's okay not to be perfect. Sometimes I need to remind myself of this too.
I do this by coming back to this one moment. The only thing that really matters. Wishing you a mindful day, celebrating each moment with breath.
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