Read this if you find it hard to say NO!
Hello Friend,
Saying “no” isn’t always easy. So many of us sacrifice ourselves in order to avoid creating upset.⠀⠀⠀⠀
As a recovered people-pleaser, I know how hard it can be to risk disappointing others. I really (I mean REALLY) get it! I also know that saying “no” is required when it comes to living an aligned life that feels good.
Where do you fall on the “no” scale? Do you drop them like they’re hot? Is it challenging for you?
When you say no to something that doesn’t feel right, you say yes to your soul. Feel those words.
Boundaries are such an important part of honouring ourselves. So much so that I call them Joy Protection!
It’s not always easy to change ingrained behaviors. Start by paying attention to how you feel when you are making decisions. Awareness is everything. Honour yourself where you’re at while noticing…
Here’s to living in alignment!
Xj, Jillian
PS-interested in befriending yourself and working on boundaries? We cover Joy Protection in The Joy Sessions On-Demand. Have a peak to see if it aligns.
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