appreciation is everything
Let’s start things off with an attitude of gratitude...
Several studies show that a regular practice of appreciation can have a significant impact on our health, happiness, satisfaction with life, and relationships with others. Gratitude allows us to bring our mind to the present moment while bringing our focus to positive experiences and emotions.
This week, can you commit to Joy by listing 5 things you're grateful for on a daily basis?
Even if you've heard of it before, or done it before, I'd like to invite you to use it as a regular practice this week and notice how it makes you feel. I recommend using a journal to jot down down your list each day. Let's call it your Joy Journal!
If you find it challenging to come up with a list, here are some prompts to write about:
- something that made you smile or laugh
- a recent learning experience
- a person in your life
- a time you were able to help another person,
- someone who did something nice for you,
- a recent accomplishment, or
- one of my go-to's – breath! I'm always thankful for breath.
That's it that's all! What are you grateful for?
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